I don't have a lot of time to blog tonight but I wanted to post a little note about Mason. Today we went to Hobby Lobby with Cathy and the girls while Jax was at Pre-School. As we were leaving Mason noticed Maggie pushing the handicapped button to open the store doors. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed his little hand reaching up to push a button of his own....The FIRE alarm!!! I felt like I was in slow motion as I yelled "NO MASON" and got to him just in the nick of time. I explained to him what might have happened had he pulled that alarm (no not that I would've spanked his little tushie...that the firetrucks would've come to hobby lobby and that it wouldn't have been a good thing for the store workers) and he broke out in tears. His face turned so red, I felt sorry for the little guy. He's so soft hearted and it was an honest mistake...thank goodness he didn't actually pull the alarm. I would have turned bright red and broke out into tears myself. Cathy thought it was funny and said that it would've made a great blogin' story. I think it's just fine this way thank you very much!!
Mommy loves you Mason!
awww poor little guy:(
but it is a cute story
love you mason!!
Aunt Valerie
hehe I am with Cathy, it would have made a great blog story :)
He is such a sweet cutie!
Tina, Zac did that in K and I got a call at work about it to "come talk to him" in the principal's office. Nobody had never told them NOT to do it and he was learning to read and it said P-U-L-L... what's a boy to do?
I don't think I gave them the desired results they wanted, but hey, if he had been told not to and he did, it would have been different. As it stood, I told him to not do it again....and he didn't.
i love you mason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a little heart breaking, the way he cried. It was a bit humorous though to see Tina run across with the "No Mason", it was almost slow motion to watch as well :)
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