My Name is TROUBLE

That's what the t-shirt says that I bought for Owen today. Today was my 30th birthday. My gift was....Owen didn't get to play outside today, neither did Jax or Mason. We just stayed inside to let my nerves get a little break. Well sort of a little break. Owen is now climbing EVERYTHING. I think he's part spider-man!! He can climb the kitchen cabinets to get up on the counter. He's also beginning to lock himself in his bedroom and we've had to remove the door knob...twice. Oh' lord please REALLY give me eyes in the back of my head. I've claimed them for I really need them.

1 comment:

Heidi Kellems said...

Glad your birthday went a lot better than the last day of being 29. Hope your birthday is pleasant. It cracks me up how many married couples I know share a birthday month.