Terrible Two's!!!

Is it possible to hit the "terrible two's" at 20 months old?
Here's a picture of Owen enjoying his first ice-cream cone of the season. Sure, he looks cute enough but let me just tell you that this little angel has taken a dramatic run toward the life of a two year old crazy man!!! He's telling Kasey & I "NO" (among other things). And he growls at me in this wierd angry voice saying "NO, NO, MOMMY" when I do something he doesn't like. Looks like I don't have a baby boy any longer. Time to start "teaching" him to be a little man.
Better start praying for him now....and me too please :>)


Andi said...

He shouldn't be that old yet! He is still a baby! He better straighten up an walk right if he's gonna be Sophie's man!!

He cracks me up, but I can see him as a handful. I'll pray tonight for your family.

Anonymous said...

you let him eat an ice cream cone in the car!?!?!?! i'm not that brave.

Anonymous said...

I hpe Owen has changed!
