To Music City for the day!!!

On Thursday, Mamaw George & I took the boys on a little road trip to Nashville. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe (great place for kids). We had eaten there before and the boys LOVED it so we went as a little spring break treat. The Opry Mills mall there is great (lots of outlet stores). The boys were really well behaved (even on the 2 hour car ride) and we had a blast. Thank you Mamaw!!
Mommy and the boys eating at Rainforest Cafe!

Mason & Jackson (they loved the elephants)

Owen (he especially liked the "fishes" but DID NOT enjoy the gorillas)

Mamaw George & the boys with our ice-cream volcano.
Check out the look on Owen's face.
"What is THAT?"

Mason, Jax, & Owen with a cute shark statue outside
of an aquarium restaurant on the mall.
Jackson & Mamaw George racing strollers
(she's such a good example)


Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

You will have to give me pointers on how to get little boys to behave on shopping trips someday!

Anonymous said...

Your mom looks like she's having fun!! Good to see her! The first time we took Ethan to RainForest he was like 1 1/2 and he freaked out with all the loud noises & moving animals. He likes it now though.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys have fun?
