I've been keeping a secret....

for the last few weeks. It's about some friends of ours, Bobby & Penny. Bobby graduated in our class and we met his sweet wife Penny a couple of years ago (at Babies R Us :>) ). Bobby & Penny have suffered through 5 miscarriages during the time they've been married. They accepted the fact that they'd never have a child of their "own" and moved on to adoption which proved to be disappointing for them as well (long stories). They've been attending our church for sometime now and have built many relationships. They are much loved and prayed for in our church family. Through a few different people and instances God has shown us that Bobby & Penny WILL indeed one day have a baby of their very "own".
It has been 4 years since Penny lost their last baby. All of the babies were lost very very early on. Never making it close to that magical 12 week milestone.
Here's my secret.....THEY'RE PREGNANT!!!!!! They told only a handful of people (I'm sure you can understand why) a few weeks ago so that we could be praying for them. Her first prenatal appointment & ultrasound were to be today at 1:30. The last couple of weeks have been stressful. She's had some scary signs and we just kept hoping and praying that this was God's timing.
I'm HAPPY to say that she just called and so far everything is perfect.....did I say perfect?? YUP!!! Thank you God! She is 7 weeks and 6 days so please please please join me in daily prayer for this little baby!!


Heidi Kellems said...

God does miracles DAILY!!! They have been on my heart recently and I have felt that was what I was to pray for after having spent some time at Hope Central talking to her. I will continue to pray for this baby.

Andi said...

Ha!! Great is His faithfulness! I'm gonna be praying hard on this one.

Anonymous said...

Praying for our God to continue to show how wonderful he is. Penny and Bobby will be excellent parents. Congratulations!!!!
Amy Willis