7 little boys + treehouse + football = 1 nervous MOM

We've been spending alot of time outside the last few days. I've been working on the back-porch and the boys have been busy, busy, busy. Last night Sam, Eli, Seth, and Reed all came over to play. Kasey grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and we "served" them dinner in the treehouse. Then they played football in the backyard. I was really nervous that someone was going to get hurt. I mean really...7 little boys with a treehouse and a football....a disaster was just looming in the air. But miracles never cease!! They were all pretty well behaved and not one bone was broken. Praise God. Speaking of "Praise God" ...did you know that Tastee Freeze is open for the season??!! Yahooooo! Bring on the goodies baby!


Andi said...

I had no idea- this is way early for them to be open. I gotta go ASAP. Pineapple Orange, here I come!

Quite a rowdy crowd up in that treehouse, I would be nervous too!

Anonymous said...

You are brave.

The Tastee Freeze brings back so many fond memories of working in that little building!!! What a great first job.