Yesterday we received a letter from Jackson's new school saying that he was enrolled in PM Kindergarten with Mrs. Willis. I was really bummed at first because I requested for him to be in AM. Seems everyone else did to. He's OK with it so I guess I am too. He had PM Pre-K and liked that just fine. The only thing is now he'll have to go to the pre-school with me every morning while I teach. He was actually excited about that. He said he'd be my little helper. I'd rather have him there with me hearing ABC & 123's than to be stuck at a babysitter's house in the AM. I just couldn't do that to him.
Owen has settled down a bit...or maybe we have just gotten used to his "new self". Super baby in disguise I say.
Mason and Owen had a virus this week that was no fun at all. They both developed blisters on their hands, feet, and tongues. OUCH!!! Mason had it the worst. The poor little guy hardly ate a thing in 3 days.
Our house still hasn't sold...will it ever??? I'm kinda tired of the whole routine. CLEAN the house with 3 little boys under foot, leave for 1/2 hour for the realtor to show the house, come home and wait for a response. So far everyone LOVES the house and HATES the basement. We should have listed it as a cellar I guess. It's big, really big...but it's wet. It was wet when we bought it and that didn't stop us. We just don't use the side of it that gets water on the floor. We use the other side for storage and that's about it. I think people see the words "unfinished basement" and they get all excited about extra living space and unless you sink about 5 grand into that room to dry it'll never be living space. But one thing I've learned is that if God wants us to sell our house, it'll sell. If it's not in HIS plan, than I don't want it too either. If it doesn't sell by the end of this first contract than we won't re list it. We'll just stay here and add on extra living space (upstairs). We'll just have to wait and see. I'm not very good at that "wait & see"...who ever started that phrase in the first place? I hate it!! I'm a planner (obsessively), I wish everyone else was too because people would sure understand me alot better.
Hey, from one compulsive, organized planner to another, I UNDERSTAND you!
I understand too Tina. When I'm ready for something new I can't wait!! I pray that you can sell your home and you guys find what is perfect for your family. I am so glad you guys stayed here though...we'd miss you too much. God has great plans for you and your family!
I'm really happy you guys didn't leave either!!!!!! I don't know what i would have done if you guys left! I wouldd have cried I know that! I LOVE you guys so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Emi're so sweet! I love you too.
Love, Auntie T
Your home is beautiful, and you guys have made it that way. You've poured your heart & soul, sweat & tears into it. Be patient and enjoy what HE has blessed you with, only HE knows what's in store for you! Love ya!
I know, I know Cathy. Perri, see what I mean about the "other kind" they just don't understand the compulsive planning involved in this plan. Just kidding. I do enjoy my home...I love it. I just wish it was easier to get along with ALL of us. God has surely blessed this family. It's amazing the things He does for those who serve Him!
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