Sam & Uncle Kasey

Kasey is out of town for a couple of days so I can tell a story on him without getting in too much trouble. (hee hee)
OK This all started a couple of years ago at christmas when Kasey bought Sam a shot-put. Sam was in first grade at the time but Kasey had (has) very high expectations of him that this particular sport will put Sammy through college. (as he told all of us as we laughed at HIS excitement while he watched Sam open the gift) Kasey (and I) were big into Track & Field and Cross Country when we were in school and since Sam & Emi are the oldest of course we've "encouraged" them toward the sport but this shot-put thing is alittle out of control.
This year Sammy is in 3rd grade and was actually able to try out for the track team at his school (with special permission since he's a year away from the other kids on the team). We all went to his first track meet last week to catch his first (of many as Kasey says) throw of the shot-put competition on camera. He did really well and it was fun to watch him compete.
Well, this friday when the boys came over to spend the night Kasey and Sam were practicing with his little shot put in the back yard. They had out the tape measure to see how far he was throwing and Sam happened to mention that his coach could throw it 35 feet. (now to hear Kasey tell this story he'd tell you that Sam was "challenging" him...Man to Man. ) He told Sam that he could throw it nearly 50 feet in high school so "watch THIS". Kasey stood ready and threw the metal ball across our back yard. All we heard was the loud sound of metal hitting metal and then gasps as we saw that he had hit the gas meter by our back fence. OOOPPS! No harm done...we flames...we're OK. About 15-20 minutes later the backyard was filled with the smell of natural Wonder where that could be comin' from???? The gas company was called (immediately) and a man came out to take a look at our meter.
Man: "Looks like somethin's been dropped on's cracked wide open"
Kasey: (in his mind) "Uh..yeah, a 6lb shot put thrown from about 50 feet out might do that!!"
The whole meter had to be replaced while 6 little boys played inside with Auntie Tina so Uncle Kasey could fix a "problem" in the backyard.
Hey...we're in the business of makin' memories at this all costs. (we haven't gotten the bill for this little memory...I'll let ya know :>)


Perri said...

That's a hoot - I can let you know now the cost. $250.00 was what they said they were going to charge us a few years ago when our babysitter backed into ours and it had to be replaced.

We never did get a bill though - maybe you'll be as lucky.

Marla - if you're reading this - DON'T you dare remind them!

Cathy said...

That's great! Was it worth beating the challenge?

Staci said...

How Hilarious!! Sorry for your gas meter though! MEN!!! LOLOL I was actually looking for Sammy at the Chandler track meet this afternoon because Cathy had mentioned he was on the team. It was supposed to be Chandler, Newburgh and Tennyson, but Tennyson never showed up and we never heard why!! Newburgh romped, however :)

Andi said...

This is too classic. I can just see his face thinking- I can beat 35 feet...


Anonymous said...

what about the 50 feet? !!!
LOL funny story...

I'm glad I can see you guys on your blog ! It's awesome to have news from you like this !

Love ya'


Anonymous said...

Hey Babe - I appreciate you so much more than you will ever know. In my defense, I know when I am being challenged and when I am not, this was definitely a challenge.

Unofficial measure was 45ft; however, that was without a full glide. I strictly blocked on this one, so I think I could hit 60ft if challenged.


Anonymous said...

Hi Auntie T, this is Aly. I love you.

Tina said...

I love you too Aly!

Melissa said...

That's something I would have like to have seen. I wonder how long before Aaron tells this story on Sunday?!?