Peaceful Pockets

Life has been a bit crazy to say the least in our home for the past couple of weeks. Working through our list of "to do's" before the house went up for sale (today) has been more of a task then I had thought it would be. It's not just the house though, things just seem to be piling up on the "to do" list of life. Maybe it's that I'm getting OLD and I'm handling things differently. I can remember just a couple years ago when I had time to just sit and watch the boys play or I could sit and play with them without having to jump up and get back to doing whatever was "more important" on my things to get finished that day. Sometimes I would actually say a quite little prayer "Please Father, let me remember THIS moment forever", or "Please let me remember what he just said to me because it was so cute" or "Please let me remember what his little hands look like holding mine" and it would bring me to tears just thinking of them. When we had Owen and things in life started to "pile" up I had to try harder and harder to make those moments with the boys. Time is so precious, isn't it?
Lately it seems like I'm praying for God to help me deal with the stresses of life + family. I read in a book called A mom After God's Own Heart about "peaceful pockets". Peaceful Pockets are those little moments of sweetness & bliss that make you go "AAAWWW" in your day. Sometimes when I catch one I'll write it down. That way when I'm changing Owen's diaper, while mason is asking for me to "help" him in the bathroom, while Jackson's begging for a snack, while the telephone is ringing, and while cookies are burning in the oven , (all at the same time) I can remember those little "peaceful pockets" when all was well. Owen kissing my face with his sweet little chubby lips saying "my mommy". Mason telling me that I'm his bestest friend in the "hoe wide wold"or singing me his (and my) favorite song. Or big boy Jackson who still wants to kiss me good-bye as I drop him off to school (although his little buddies are right there watching).
I'm really trying more to limit myself on things outside of my time as mommy to three awesome little guys. Their time here with me is so limited and when they are gone and the house is quiet, I'll miss these days. (Not just the peaceful pockets but the insane moments as too)

My mommy prayer for today: "Please Lord keep teaching me to be a good mommy. Show me what to say and do to raise these boys to be awesome men of God. Help me to stop and enjoy them in all that they do. They are such a gift from you and I treasure them. Help me to remember this day and everyday so that I don't take a second with them for granted."


Melissa said...

You are a wonderful mommy Tina. I am in awe of you patience and how wonderful you are with children!! I have a little journal for each of the girls that I write down their cute moments and sayings with the date and sometimes just a little note to them for them to read when they grow up!! I like to look back through it once in a while. Love ya...Melissa

Perri said...

Tina - these REALLY are "the good old days" enjoy your boys - before you know it, they'll be men.

Anonymous said...

What a good idea to keep those moments in mind when times get stressful.

Trin said...

Tina - I look up to you so much! You are such an awesome mommy!! Too often I feel swamped by all the stressfull momnets that I find it hard to focus on the special ones that happen so often. I think I might take up writing a journal as well. Also...thanks for making me cry :)
Seriously, thanks to both Tina and Melissa for the idea of writing down the special moments :)
I love you!