Kindergarten Round Up!!

Today I signed my baby (Jackson) up for Kindergarten. We got up early (for us anyway) and got there first thing so we'd be sure to get AM Kindergarten. That way, if I end up only teaching AM pre-school he'll be with me in the afternoon instead of at school. It'll be new for him getting up on a regular schedule everyday. He's had the treat of waking up most days just whenever he wants too, even this year since he was in PM pre-school. It didn't really bother me too much while we were there at the school. But, after we'd been home for a while I walked into his room and noticed a small picture frame that sits on his bookshelf. It's a picture of me holding him when he was a baby. He had leaned the button they gave him at sign ups this morning up against the picture frame. The button says "It's Official" I'm a Oak!!" (that's the mascot of the elementary school). That brought me to tears. I'm feeling really 1st baby is going to school very soon....and I'll be turning the big 3-0 (ouch) in a little over a month. Is it odd that I still feel like a little girl?? When did I grow up and get married and have 3 little boys? 20 years old seems like so long ago but also it seems like yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Hey Babe - It's me Kase, just wanted you to know that I hold to the fact that 30 is still a part of the 20's number sequence, so we actually will not be 30 somethings until we turn 31. Sound good to you?
PS - You have done a great job with Jax- you should be proud!!!
Love ya

Tina said...

Sounds great to me my love!!

Perri said...

OK, now if the post didn't make me cry, Kasey's comment did.

Andi said...


i can't even imagine Sophie in pre-school, much less kindergarten. Oh, this made me sad.

And I sometimes look around too and am like "what the heck happened?" I should still be in high school!

Anonymous said...

Time goes so quickly! We still have another year before we face the kindergarten thing. He could have went next year, but his birthday makes the Aug. 1st cut-off by only 9 days and we felt he really wasn't ready. Hope you guys have a nice Easter!

Tina said...

Jackson could have went last year too but as a pre-school teacher myself I'm very pro keeping them home an extra year. Most kids could use this extra time to mature PLUS once you send em' to school you can't have em' back :>(

Melissa said...

Kindergarten was harder for me than I thought too. I was OK until at the round up they sent all the kids away and just talked to the parents and when the principal talked I got all teary eyed. I'll be 36 this year but I still think where has the time gone. I don't feel almost 40! You are still beautiful and look young and you're a great wife, mother and friend!! Love ya..Melissa

Heidi Kellems said...

I'm just Curious does it really say I'm A Oak!!! Seriously they really need to think about the grammatical error on that button. Shouldn't it read I'm AN Oak?

Thankfully I won't have to experience the off to school thing. But I remember leaving Jess to go back to work many years ago when she was a baby. I am guessing that is how it will feel.