Happy Birthday Maggie & Chloe!!

Kasey has been out of town all week on business and my computer is still broken :>( (I usually use his laptop) so now I'm catching up on bloggin' now that he's home! This week has been stressful with keeping everything so tidy for potential home buyers. We have had 3 families visit our home and another will visit tomorrow. Jackson had his first t-ball practice on Tuesday and we froze our booties off! We had a great ladies meeting on Thursday. Stacey did the devotion and it was called "Singin' In The Rain" it was a nice time. I took some pictures of all of the ladies in rain bonnets. (I'm sure I'll post those sometime)
I don't sleep real well while Kasey's out of town so this weekend I'm hoping to catch up on some rest. Today we went to Maggie & Chloe's birthday party. It was fun. Didn't think I'd get into a dress-up tea party as much as I did. Thanks for a great time girls!

Maggie, Me and Chloe
Me reading a story during the tea party.
It was called Gigi, God's Little Princess: The Royal Tea Party
It is a really cute story about a little girl telling her friend
Frances that she too is God's little princess.
Click here to read more about this book.

I'm a little teapot, short & stout.

Here is my handle here is my spout.

When I get all steamed up, hear me shout,
"Shock a Boom Baby let it all hang out!!!"
Mason...."Mommy do I haf a sit at the dirl table?"
Mommy..."Yes Mason, it'll be fun."
Mason...."But it's pink."
Mommy....."I know it is buddy, it won't hurt much."


Anonymous said...

That looks totally FOO-FOO, but totally fun!!

Melissa said...

That was quite the fun time!!