85 days down, 5 more to go!!

Kasey and I have been reading our 90 day Bibles which we began on New Years Day. It takes anywhere from 30 mins up to an hour to read 12 pages of the Bible each day (for me). I'm so excited that we are almost finished. It's really a great Bible reading program. I encourage everyone to give it a try. 90 Day Bible Website Next I think I'm going to read 3 pages a day and finish it again by Christmas, that way I can have a little more time for more in-depth study for certain parts. My friend Perri loaned me a book with lots of illustrations and maps for each book of the Bible. I'm looking forward to having time to explore that as well.
Today we worked on our back-porch. We had torn down all of the old screen, now we are painting. Next, we'll be putting up new screen and adding a nice new ceiling fan. When we get all of the projects finished that we intended to do when we bought the house I'll be sad to see it go. Afterall, it is our first house. It will officially be on the market April 9th. That is if we have all of our projects completed. When we bought it it was just our size. Add on a home office and another little boy and we're cramped to the max!! But it is such a nice little house. I hope someone buys it who'll take care of it. (sounds like I'm loosing my dog or something :>( )
Anyway, I hope you all have a blessed day tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

I can imagine how it must feel. My house is in need of a lot of work, but we love it and we were blessed to get it after we finished having family and it came with a 2nd garage so that Erick can eventually have an office, too. I would miss it, too. But, you'll find one you love again, I just know it! Good luck and many blessings!

Perri said...

I was thinking the other day after I left, how sad it was to sell your house after all the hard work you've put into it. I bet some little family just snatches it right up though.